Saturday, September 20, 2008

I.T. Jobs

As a Microsoft Certified Trainer and an EC-Council Instructor one of the most frequent questions I get is will I be able to get a job in the I.T. field. My answer is YES there are still plenty of jobs out there, but getting the job is up to you. When I entered the I.T. arena all you needed was a love or passion for computers and the willingness to learn and to work. Today that has changed, companies no longer are interested in passion and willingness. The Human Resources Departments want to know 1. What certifications you have and 2. Where you have worked and 3. How long have you worked in the I.T. field. We in the I.T. industry live in a new area where Certifications rule and specializiation creates employability. Yes, the certification process can be expensive, but so is paying for a Bachelors or Masters degree with not much difference on potential income. Certifications will make you more marketable in an industry where the average employment stay is about three years. It seems to me that today longevity is being replaced with "Show me the money".

Monday, September 15, 2008


MCSE boot camp instructors are special people. I have met many of them, most of them extremely competent, some of them absolutely brilliant and a few real geniuses. But I have always been a bit surprised how rare it is to find that really rare mix of personality and brilliance.
Good MCSE instructors all develop an almost cult like following. The loyalty students show to an instructor they admire and respect rivals madonna worshipers.
I really liked the instructor who was teaching a night class and walked through the outer door of the school yelling TURN TO PAGE 232. TONIGHTS LESSON IS ON.... before he was even in the classroom, he was teaching. He was a guru too. He once had an experienced network engineer in his class who believed his Exchange server was secure. In ten minutes he was showing the guy his users names and passwords in plain english having drilled into the server with header info from an email. Like I said, the guy was a guru, and his students loved him, but he didn't have the personality to connect with his students on a human level.
I really liked a young instructor I knew who simply didn't realize how smart he was. His ability to process new information and reach the correct conclusions (the only logical conclusions) was phenomenal. He also had a cult like following, but he too, could not connect with his students on a human level.
There is an instructor I'll call Plain ol Joe (his name really is Joe) Joe is a "regular guy", very casual and relaxed. He could connect with anybody. And he is smart as an instructor. Very smart. He students will follow him for years to take the next class they want from him. Joe is in that rare group of instructors who have both brilliance and personality in the classroom.
My all time favorite instructor is Robert. More reserved than Joe and more professional in demeanor, Robert nevertheless has the knack for never letting a student feel dumb or insecure in his level of understanding of the subject matter at hand. (something many gurus lack). If a student asks a question that has already been answered, Roberts response makes the student feel as if the question is appropriate and timely. On occassion, an instructor will have a student who is very smart - perhaps as smart as the instructor himself. I have seen this lead to verbal duels and the game of one upmanship as massive egos collide. That has never happened to Robert, could never happen to Robert. His ego simple doesn't run that way and no one could fail to recognize that. Robert was born to teach. He often teaches advanced classes to very competent engineers and he is always, always, appreciated.
Instructors are each unique, special people. I have met some who should have been driving tractor trailers, instead of sports cars, so they would have room to carry their massive egos around. I have met some whose brilliance moved them a little too far from the real world. As a group, I find them to be good people who do a difficult job very well.
Ok, i do have one "bad instructor" story. He was a UNIX guru. He ran a server farm with 2400 servers for BIG AEROSPACE. Dude must have been smart. But could not even dress himself appropriately. Came to school one day with one pantleg tucked into his sock, the back of his shirt not tucked in, the collar upturned, and his hair uncombed. No wonder his nick name was Mad Jack. lol

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Getting ready for MCSE Boot Camp

30 days until the next MCSE Boot camp begins on Oct 13th. A lot of effort goes into preparing for a Boot Camp, much of it many months in advance of the actual event. In the last thirty days, it is “final touches”. Janet emails each candidate to learn if he or she has any allergies, asks the candidate for their preferred brand of soft drink, type of snacks preferred and any other information that will help the candidates experience go smoothly.
Although the school has a designated break area with vending machines, coffee machines, microwave, mini-grill even a popcorn machine, as well as a refrigerator, sink and water cooler, the boot camp will have a separate refrigerator in the training room, and tables of high energy snacks ranging from health foods to candy.
Hotel accommodations are double checked. Janet also ensures that all paperwork is complete and up to date. Steve and Jim review infrastructure needs. The number of students enrolled will determine which room is used and how many machines have to be imaged. Spare machines are set aside in case of a rare equipment failure. Overhead projectors are checked for lamp hours and lamps are replaced as needed. A spare projector is also tested and at the ready. The rooms surround sound system is adjusted based on the number of occupants the room is expected to accommodate. NOTHING is left to the last minute. Nothing is untested. It is all part of CompTEC’s MCSE Boot Camp Total Care Program. The MCSE Boot Camp is 11 days, but it doesn’t stop there. Some candidates are signed up for the CCNA boot camp that follows on the 12th day. New candidates will also join the CCNA boot camp and may go on to the CCNP boot camp that follows. Other Boot Camps occurring at the same time may include, MCSE upgrade 2008, MS Exchange or Certified Ethical Hacking.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Next MCSE Boot Camp Oct 13th

MCSE Boot Camp starts Oct 13th and ends Oct 23rd.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Economy and weather

The economy is suffering a bit, and I found this quote over on

" When prosperity comes, do not use all of it. "

Good Advice, I think

Hurricanes popping up here and there. Some will come and some will fizzle. It is nature. It reminds me of a couple of years ago a hurricane popped up with very little advance notice, and was not predicted to hit our area too hard, while the school was halfway through a mcse boot camp. The students had a vote and the decision to continue the boot camp was unanimous. Of course the hurricane hit a lot closer to us than expected and we lost power for several days. The hotel, though, had a generator, and the instructors and students just forted up in a hotel room and keep going.
Boot camps are hard work. It takes exceptional preparation, undetered determination, and extraordinary dedication on the part of the students. The school provides an instructor whose depth of knowledge and sincerity in sharing his knowledge often makes the difference between success and failure for the hardworking candidates. The school also provides a total care concept that removes all possible distractions - except for acts of nature. The students and instructors at the "hurricane boot camp" are to be commended for their valiant extra efforts.

A word about the article on the page where I found the prosperity quote. It is an interesting "success story", but one must wonder at what cost to the employers. Perhaps none. There will always be employers. who know so little about IT they can be tricked into hiring someone who is not qualified, but it says little for a mans ethics to misrepresent himself thusly.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Flash card training aids

just found this from computer pooh on wordpress

They have a bunch already made, and you can make your own. Pretty cool.


we want to talk about MCSE Boot Camps and Microsoft Certification training as well as other training information Technologists :) feel is important to career advancement and skill enhancement. We look forward to hearing about your experiences, and to sharing some of ours.